Thursday, August 13, 2015


William Regal kicks off off the show by stating that since Finn Balor agreed to take on any match any time, the championship match at NXT: Brooklyn against Kevin Owens is now indeed a ladder match. I'm looking for some creative spots out of the wazoo during that one.

Tye Dillinger d. Solomon Crowe by pinfall (4:36)

Crowe's original suited hacker gimmick he was rolling with upon debuting was intresting enough to give a shot, but now he seems to have more or less reverted back to Sami Callahan. Dillinger has worked dark match a-plenty already, so the former Shawn Spears has quite a bit fan support coming out. This was a good TV match that stayed moving and had both guys busting ass. Tye stopped every now and then to work the crowd into giving him his new trademark 10/10, which definitely has legs. Dillinger snuck in his inverted overdrive appropriately named The Perfect 10 for the three count.

Mojo Rawley interrupts Zack Ryder's tweeting to cut some insane promo that I half understood that ended with Mojo miscounting the number of chicks he had been with the night before. Okie dokie.

Baron Corbin d. Axel Tischer by pinfall (:33)

Longer than your usual Corbin match because the jobber was tossed into the turnbuckle and then hit his knees for awhile until Baron walked over and brought him back up. One forearm and Fall of Man later and this was over. He's never going to get better if they keep throwing him in these types of matches. Corbin grabs a mic and cuts a pretty confident heel promo about no one being in his league. This challenge is answered by STEVEN F'N CUTLER, but he also eats a Fall of Man before he can unleash his god-like skills upon an unsuspecting Orlando. No, really, who is Cutler? After standing tall and wanting more, the challenge is met by Samoa Joe. Oh, boy. Joe is his huckleberry, but Corbin says not yet and bails. On his way out of the ring, he bumps into Joe like that wa going to intimidate him, and the shit is on. Baron gets a few shots in, but Joe counters his finish with the Kokina Clutch, finally called such by Corey Graves. Our favorite Samoan with anger issues leaves the kid laying out cold in his own piss and spit. This match has possibilities and I'm intrigued how they handle it. Crowd gives a big "thank you Joe" for finally putting SAMCROberg in his place.

Quick video of Bull Dempsey as he see his gym work picking up steam and him working towards gains or beast mode or whatever gym people call it.

Tyler Breeze gives us his thoughts about his match in Brooklyn against Jushin Thunder Liger and isn't worried one bit. It's a spotlight and that's what he craves. I've always dug the Breeze character, because he reminds me of Narcis Prince from Super Punch-Out!!! If only he rolled with Prince's gimmick of freaking out whenever his face got punched. Liger is going to cash a WWE check, making hell freeze over by one more step. Better late than never, I always say!

Finn Balor d. Marcus Louie by pinfall (2:44)

Remember during the Brody review about wild men who you could tell were putting on too much of a show? Louis is definitely one of those type and it comes off slightly corny at times. Finn is as over as one can be inside this building and my private worries about killing his mystique with the fans by making him talk too much recently are thankfully put to rest. Total squash here and Louie only got in a few punches and a uranage before Balor ate him alive and finished with the Coup de grace. Kevin Owens blindsided Finn on his way out, but before he can nail his apron powerbomb, Finn countered out. Their brawl is cut short when, after a struggle following the pop up part of it, Owens finished the powerbomb and mocked the champion's pose while standing above him with the title.

The Vaudevillains revealed that they have a plan to counter Alexa Bliss's recent antics. Bliss shows up, slaps the taste out of both of their mouths, and walks off wishing them luck. If there is a wrestling god, let the plan be Bubba Ray Dudley.

Terry Creed is coming to win the title and they show shots of him training with that Axel fellow from before. I don't mean to sound cliche, but these names like Apollo Crews are getting hilarious. Then again, if a man named Dolph Ziggler can get over, anybody can. Still no word on who his first opponent will be. Rhyno maybe?

#1 Contenders Match: Bayley d. Becky Lynch by pinfall (11:43)

The Boss herself arrived to join the commentary team and calmly explain that these other girls aren't shit. You'd think this is a foregone conclusion with Bayley being the only upper level women's wrestler that didn't get taken in the recent purge. Is it bad when you are bummed out when someone gets a promotion now? Becky Lynch always worries me that her neck is going to fly off during her entrance mosh one day. If you think this is where the hot streak of the Four NXT Horsewomen is going to end, you'd be sadly mistaken. This was even better than the Bayley-Charlotte contest from a few weeks ago, because Becky was working that arm like she is directly related to Dean Malenko. Bayley more than held her own and gave as well as she took with some really nice junior heavyweight style stuff. Bayley was in alot of trouble after escaping the kneeling armbar of Lynch, but reversed a second standing armbar attempt into a pin to face Sasha in Brooklyn. Old school in-ring storytelling and I loved it. The Boss closes things out by standing on top of the announce table and informing Bayley that it's on in New York.

Always a great show when any of the four golden girls go at it. Opening match was above average and the Joe-Corbin scuffle has me intrested in more, so that on top of a hell of a main event makes this week a winner in my book.


Tye Dillinger d. Solomon Crowe by pinfall (4:36)

Baron Corbin d. Axel Tischer by pinfall (:33)

Finn Balor d. Marcus Louie by pinfall (2:44)

#1 Contenders Match: Bayley d. Becky Lynch by pinfall (11:43)

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